Monday, May 4, 2009

A few of my favorite webcites

First Draft
Today I woke up tired. The thought of getting up almost made me sick to my stomach. After arguing with myself repeatedly I finally decided to get up. The scent of pungent milk ran about the room and struck my nose like a blindsided jab as I made my way to the bathroom. Still intoxicated form the same night, I decided to brush my teeth to remove the disastrous taste that lingered in my mouth. As I reached for my tooth brush, I caught a slight glimpse of myself in the mirror. Which is something very routine for this very situation but, there was a problem. I wasn’t there.
My mind began to race quickly, my heart beat swiftly, skin felt itchy, I screamed out loud “this is a dream somebody pinch me”. I stared mirror for what felt like a century, trying to make sense of what I had just came to terms with. Momentarily I thought my drunkenness impaired my vision. But after looking in the mirror and eventually sobering up, I realized it wasn’t the alcohol. As I dwelled in my misery, I fell into a deep depression. An alcohol induced rage came next. Proceeded by a slur of what seemed to be words. As I grew more and more upset, I decided to take it to my advantage.I began to laugh “ha ha ha I was always good at turning lemons to lemonade”. I sat and pondered for only a couple of second, before I reached my conclusion. “That’s a perfect lic” I said to myself. Immediately, I began to take off all my clothes. To no amazement, I was completely invisible. I double checked the mirror a couple times to make sure. When I was convinced that my “disappearing act” was here to stay, I grabbed my keys and revved my engine. “Time to get this money honey, bank of America here I come.”

Final Draft

It seemed as though it was a regular day, as I woke up to the sun shining through the window shutters, the thought of getting up almost made me sick to my stomach. After repeatedly hitting the snooze button, I finally decided to wake up. The scent of pungent milk ran about the room and struck my nose like a blindsided jab as I made my way to the bathroom. Still intoxicated from the previous night, I decided to brush my teeth to remove the taste of tequila from my mouth. As I reached for my tooth brush, I caught a slight glimpse of myself in the mirror, which is something routine for this situation, but there was a problem. I wasn’t there.
My heart began to race quickly. I tried smacking myself in the face as a way of waking me up from a horrible nightmare. If my cheeks were visible they’d of been blood red. I scream out loud “this can’t be happening”! I stated at the mirror for what felt like an eternity, trying to make since of what Id just came to terms with. Momentarily I thought that my previous days drunkenness had impaired my vision. But after staring in the mirror for at least an eventually sobering up, I realized I wasn’t the alcohol. As I sat there dwelling in my misery, I feel into a deep depression. That depression soon turned into rage. I stormed about my house violently throwing anything I could get my hands on. As I sat down and cooled off, I thought of ways to use my invisibility to my advantage.
I began to laugh “ha ha ha I was always good at turning lemons to lemonade”. I sat and pondered for only a couple of second, before I reached my conclusion. “That’s a perfect lic” I said to myself. Immediately, I began to take off all my clothes. To no amazement, I was completely invisible. I double checked the mirror a couple times to make sure. When I was convinced that my “disappearing act” was here to stay, I grabbed my keys and revved my engine. “Time to get this money honey, bank of America here I come.”

My experience in Mr. Gasparo’s class to say the least was phenomenal. I enter English 111 very unsure of myself, and am proud to say that today I feel fully confident in my writing skills. Not only do I feel as though I have grown as a writer, but I feel that I have grown as a person. There were many assignment that not only made me think, but made me dig deep and discover things about myself that id either forgotten or never knew. I must admit some of the assignments were grueling, but ounce I completed them I felt a great since of accomplishment.
It may sound a bit weird, but I look at the world different in many ways. Mainly though the use of rhetoric. I ounce thought that I would never use anything that I learned in English in the real world, but that has changed drastically. I realize that English can be interesting at times. During this course I was allowed to write about topics that I actually liked, which made the class more interesting. The most interesting assignment in my opinion was the rhetorical analysis, which helped me come to terms with who I am. I see myself as a different person. I feel vindicated. Many people struggle with accepting the person that they are, and this assignment made me reflect on the person I am and who helped me get there. Mainly, my mother.
I also realize how your environment plays a major role in the person you are. And knowing this, will show you were you want to be, and were you never want to return. It’s hard to believe that you can obtain all of this from a single class. I am here to tell you today that it is highly possible, and I am living proof. Along with this I have a newly found confidence. I fell as though no matter what I face in life, no matter how fearful I am, I can and I will succeed. English has and probably will be a subject that I struggle with. But I have and never will be scared of a challenge.
Now I am able to look who I was in the beginning of the semester and who I am now. I have grown in ways that not even my instructor will be able to see. And for that, I thank him and my peers. Yes ethos, pathos, and logos way be important along with MLA format and things of that nature, but the lessons I gained throughout the class go far beyond that. I understand now that learning can actually be fun. I always thought that I wasn’t college material. I guess its fair to say that, I under estimated myself. This class greatly helped me realize my potential. Some assignment called for late nights and long hours of revision.
Regardless of my grade, I did the best I could and that’s all that matters in my eyes. I overcame great obstacles in doing so, and am very proud of myself. It just goes to show what you can do when you really put your mind to it. Now I feel fully prepared for anything that I face. I was ounce told “Tank you ain’t fit for no college, you’re not college material”. Well look at me now. I made it to the end of a sixteen week semester. A long sixteen week semester I might add.
With that said I think it’s obvious that I will never let anyone tell me I can’t do something, Because I’m here, and I’m not going anywhere. In a way I feel like superman’ hovering over the world just waiting on another obstacle to conquer. I know I don’t have super powers, no X-ray vision, but I can leap over mountains.