Monday, May 4, 2009

First Draft
Today I woke up tired. The thought of getting up almost made me sick to my stomach. After arguing with myself repeatedly I finally decided to get up. The scent of pungent milk ran about the room and struck my nose like a blindsided jab as I made my way to the bathroom. Still intoxicated form the same night, I decided to brush my teeth to remove the disastrous taste that lingered in my mouth. As I reached for my tooth brush, I caught a slight glimpse of myself in the mirror. Which is something very routine for this very situation but, there was a problem. I wasn’t there.
My mind began to race quickly, my heart beat swiftly, skin felt itchy, I screamed out loud “this is a dream somebody pinch me”. I stared mirror for what felt like a century, trying to make sense of what I had just came to terms with. Momentarily I thought my drunkenness impaired my vision. But after looking in the mirror and eventually sobering up, I realized it wasn’t the alcohol. As I dwelled in my misery, I fell into a deep depression. An alcohol induced rage came next. Proceeded by a slur of what seemed to be words. As I grew more and more upset, I decided to take it to my advantage.I began to laugh “ha ha ha I was always good at turning lemons to lemonade”. I sat and pondered for only a couple of second, before I reached my conclusion. “That’s a perfect lic” I said to myself. Immediately, I began to take off all my clothes. To no amazement, I was completely invisible. I double checked the mirror a couple times to make sure. When I was convinced that my “disappearing act” was here to stay, I grabbed my keys and revved my engine. “Time to get this money honey, bank of America here I come.”

Final Draft

It seemed as though it was a regular day, as I woke up to the sun shining through the window shutters, the thought of getting up almost made me sick to my stomach. After repeatedly hitting the snooze button, I finally decided to wake up. The scent of pungent milk ran about the room and struck my nose like a blindsided jab as I made my way to the bathroom. Still intoxicated from the previous night, I decided to brush my teeth to remove the taste of tequila from my mouth. As I reached for my tooth brush, I caught a slight glimpse of myself in the mirror, which is something routine for this situation, but there was a problem. I wasn’t there.
My heart began to race quickly. I tried smacking myself in the face as a way of waking me up from a horrible nightmare. If my cheeks were visible they’d of been blood red. I scream out loud “this can’t be happening”! I stated at the mirror for what felt like an eternity, trying to make since of what Id just came to terms with. Momentarily I thought that my previous days drunkenness had impaired my vision. But after staring in the mirror for at least an eventually sobering up, I realized I wasn’t the alcohol. As I sat there dwelling in my misery, I feel into a deep depression. That depression soon turned into rage. I stormed about my house violently throwing anything I could get my hands on. As I sat down and cooled off, I thought of ways to use my invisibility to my advantage.
I began to laugh “ha ha ha I was always good at turning lemons to lemonade”. I sat and pondered for only a couple of second, before I reached my conclusion. “That’s a perfect lic” I said to myself. Immediately, I began to take off all my clothes. To no amazement, I was completely invisible. I double checked the mirror a couple times to make sure. When I was convinced that my “disappearing act” was here to stay, I grabbed my keys and revved my engine. “Time to get this money honey, bank of America here I come.”

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